Sale price$26.00



TORQ dFND ULTRA - 90 tablets

TORQ dFND is a one a day tablet containing a potent concentration of Vitamin D3 and Zinc to support the normal functioning of the immune system. Vitamin D3 also helps to maintain
normal bone and muscle function and Zinc, the maintenance of normal skin, hair & nails.

Each TORQ dFND Ultra Strength tablet contains 4000iu Vitamin D3 and 15.6mg Zinc at a potent 2000% and 156% of daily reference values respectively.

This high potency product has been designed to be used over 90 days as a complete course to raise Vitamin D to optimal levels.

  • After 90 days, take TORQ dFND 1000iu (blue label) daily thereafter.

Both of these nutrients have been found to be deficient in the human body with Vitamin D being at lower levels in the winter months in particular, while Zinc deficiency is more common
with those who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.

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