A bicycle helmet has never looked as cute as the Raskullz Astro Cat Fit System toddler helmet. This adorable bike helmet has a 3D kitten nose and perky little ears for a look your toddler is sure to love. The bright pink helmet has a sleek, easy-to-use fit system that offers an adjustable, secure fit with a quick turn of the dial. The printed astrological graphics and sparkling glitter print to give it a magical look! The toddler size helmet is recommended for riders 3–5 years old, but will fit anyone with a head measuring 48–52 cm.
- 3D Kitty Ears and Snout
- Glitter Print Astrological Graphics
- Adjustable Straps and Aerodynamic Cooling Vents
- Recommended for ages 3–5 years (48–52 cm)
- CE Certified
- Shell: PVC Interior: Expanded Polystyrene Foam
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